Bulletin: May 6

Bulletin-5-6-18 We welcome Msgr Matt Kopacz as our celebrant on Saturday at 4, and on Sunday at 10:30 Fr Mike will celebrate Mass and May Crowning. 

Please read the bulletin for information on our upcoming events and fundraisers. 




Our Summer Festival: Polka Mass & Chicken Dinner, is June 3. The sale of our $10 tickets is a major fundraiser for the parish and helps defray the day to day expenses of our church. Tickets were mailed to parishioners, but if you would like extra tickets to sell, contact the church office M-F between 9 and noon.  As you can see, there are some nice prizes! Ya gotta be in it to win it!! See ticket for information on the two early bird drawings in May…

We have many openings for Mass Intentions for 2018. Please consider scheduling a Mass…you can drop your Mass Intentions in the collection basket or call or stop by the parish office. You can also request a Mass on this website by going to this ink: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/

Have a wonderful week!



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