Bulletin: January 5, 2020

The Epiphany of Our Lord

Welcome to Saint John Kanty Church! Please read our bulletin by clicking on this link: Bulletin-1-5-20

This weekend take home a package containing chalk and incense in memory of the gifts of the Magi. Further information on this custom of marking K+M+B above every door in your home is described in the bulletin.



Please read the bulletin for a message from Bishop Scharfenberger, Apostolic Administrator, about 33 Days to Morning Glory.

Pick up this booklet in the front or back of church and follow the daily reflection through February 2.



It is the beginning of a new year! Remember your loved ones by scheduling a Mass intention. You may use the link on this site (https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/) or phone the Parish office (893-0412) weekdays between 9-noon. This is a wonderful way to not only remember the deceased but also to invoke the Lord’s special graces and blessings for a friend or loved one; to petition the Lord for the good health of someone who is ill or to pray for successful surgery and speedy recovery; to ask the Lord’s blessings for a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary; and in thanksgiving for graces received by an individual.


Please note that Heating Assistance Envelopes are located on the radiators in Church. Your donation will be used to offset the cost of heating our buildings during the winter. Any offering is greatly appreciated!

The January issue of the WNY Catholic is available in church or by clicking on this link: https://www.wnycatholic.org/current-issue-of-wny-catholic. Also…the weekly edition of the Am-Pol Eagle is available in the vestibule for $1.00.

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