Distribution of Blessed Palms Has Been Cancelled by Bishop Scharfenberger

From Bishop Ed:

“A number of you have asked about the distribution of blessed palms, beginning this coming Palm Sunday. Again, we must make every effort to discourage people from congregating – even in small numbers at parishes. There are also risks in making palms available on tables in church vestibules, given the likelihood that they would be handled by many individuals coming and going. As such, I ask your cooperation to prevent any risk of this kind and to refrain from distributing palms at this time. Leaving the distribution of palms to varying discretion is simply not prudent in light of the difficulty of knowing how great the demand will be and how to effectively control the handling and distribution safely.

As we continue our Lenten journey toward the joy of His resurrection, let us unite constantly in prayerful support for one another with the sure knowledge that the Lord in His faithfulness will lead us through these days of uncertainty, calm our every fear and gather us together once again in His abiding love.”



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