SJK’s Journey to a New Pastor…

To fill in after Fr. Ron’s retirement and before we a new Pastor is appointed, the Diocese has appointed a temporary Administrator: Deacon Dave Velasquez, and a temporary Sacramental Minister: Fr. Fabian Maryanski, Pastor of St. Andrew’s in Sloan.

The message below appeared in this week’s bulletin:

“I have recently been appointed temporary part-time Parish Administrator here at St. John Kanty. It is my hope that we can continue to make this parish a prayerful and joyful place to worship. I am anxious to meet you. Only the good Lord knows how long my assignment will be here. I have much to learn about this community and I am looking forward to fulfilling my responsibilities. No doubt there will be some changes, but right now I do not know what they will be. At this early stage nothing has been decided, nor have I received any specific instructions. I am here to serve you to the best of my abilities. I will be here on a limited basis, so if you need to talk, please leave a message at the rectory. Until we meet, may God continue to bless you and your families.”

Our Mass schedule will stay the same. Because of Fr Fabian’s schedule at his home parish he is unable to offer Mass at SJK; however, we will have the support of visiting clergy until a permanent Pastor is appointed.

The support of you, our congregation, through this time of transition is greatly appreciated! We are an ALIVE Parish!

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