
Nov 27: First Sunday: How do we come together to climb the Lord’s mountain? Deacon John Gaulin, Our Lady of Pompeii. In Parish Center following 10:30 Mass; light lunch to follow.

Dec 4: Second Sunday: We as a parish need to take our talents and share them. How do we encourage each other to work with the Response to Love center, St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy and the Mother Teresa Home to show our Christian spirit? Deacon Richard Mackiewicz, St. John Kanty. PRESENTATION THIS WEEK ONLY DURING 10:30 MASS. At this Mass and as part of our 125th Anniversary celebration we are pleased to have the well known Polish Canadian Folk Choir of Hamilton, Ludowa Nuta, provide music. Join us following Mass for our annual Christmas Cookie & Placek Sale and basket raffle. Available for purchase will be Alice’s Famous BBQ burgers and chili, eat in or to go.

Dec 11: Third Sunday: Patience is a virtue. Truth is Painful. How do we open our eyes to see the beauty? Open our ears to hear the words? Open our hearts to love all? Deacon Peter Walders, St Vincent de Paul. In Parish Center following 10:30 Mass; light lunch to follow.

Dec 18:  Fourth Sunday of Advent: The culmination of Advent, coming together to share, seeing and hearing the beauty and loving one another. There is no alternative but to embrace each other, not for ourselves, but for the Lord, our Savior. How do we use these virtues, move forward and truly spread the goodness that God has created? Deacon Michael Quinn, St. Martin of Tours, Buffalo. In Parish Center following 10:30 Mass; light lunch to follow.

We hope YOU will join us for as many weeks as possible!

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